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  • डॉक्टर से अपनी बीवी की चूत चुदवा दी

    डॉक्टर सेक्स कहानी मेरी बीवी की चूत चुदाई की है. उसके स्तन में गांड का इलाज कराने हम डॉक्टर के पास गए तो डॉक्टर ने मेरी बीवी की चूचियां दबाकर देखी.

    मेरा नाम सन्दीप है, मैं रांची झारखंड से हूं. मेरी उम्र 35 वर्ष है.
    मैं प्राइवेट कंपनी में काम करता हूँ.

    मेरी पत्नी का नाम सोनी है, उसकी उम्र 30 वर्ष है.

    हमारी शादी को 6 वर्ष हो गए हैं. हमारा एक बेटा भी है, जो अभी 4 साल का है.

    मैं आपको अपनी पत्नी के बारे में बता दूँ!
    वो बहुत गोरी और सेक्सी है. उसकी साइज़ 34-30-36 की है. मुझे अपनी पत्नी का जिस्म और दूसरों को दिखलाने में बहुत मजा आता है.

    मेरा पूरा परिवार गांव में रहता है.
    मैं अपनी बीवी और चार साल के बेटे के साथ एक किराए के मकान में रहता हूँ.

    मेरी बीवी घर पर अक्सर नाइटी पहनती है जिससे उसकी गांड और दूध मस्त हिलते हैं.

    हम लोग गर्मियों के दिन में छत पर सोते हैं.
    चूँकि हम लोग किराए के मकान में रहते हैं तो उधर और भी किराएदार रहते हैं.

    जब हम लोग छत पर सोते हैं तो मैं सुबह सुबह अपनी पत्नी की नाइटी ऊपर कर देता था, जिससे उसकी गांड कोई ना कोई देख सके.

    कई बार तो सुबह में मेरी बीवी सीधी सोती है तो मैं उसकी नाइटी पेट तक उठा देता हूं.
    वो सोते समय पैंटी नहीं पहनती है जिससे उसकी नंगी चूत को कई दूसरे किराएदारों ने भी देखा है.

    उसे भी इस सब में मजा आता था.

    ये बात आज से एक वर्ष पहले की है. मेरी पत्नी के स्तन में गांठ हो गई थी जिसे चैक करवाने के लिए मैं एक होमियोपैथी के डॉक्टर के पास गया.

    वो डॉक्टर करीब 50 साल का रहा होगा.
    उसने मेरी पत्नी को देखा और खुश हो गया.
    चूंकि मेरी पत्नी देखने में माल लगती है तो उसे देख कर किसी का भी लंड खड़ा हो जाता है.

    मेरी पत्नी ने डॉक्टर को पूरी बात बताई तो डॉक्टर ने उससे अपने मम्मे दिखाने को कहा.

    मेरी बीवी ने मेरी तरफ देखा तो मैंने आंख के इशारे से उसे हामी भर दी.

    फिर डॉक्टर और मेरी पत्नी साईड में पर्दा लगे एक केबिन में गए.

    डॉक्टर ने उससे ब्लाउज खोलने को कहा. मैं भी वहीं पर्दा के पास खड़ा था. मेरी पत्नी ने साड़ी को हटाया, जिससे ब्लाउज के ऊपर से उसके दोनों बूब्स दिखने लगे.

    डॉक्टर मेरी बीवी के तने हुए मम्मे देखने लगा.
    फिर उसने मेरी बीवी से कहा कि अपने हाथ से बताओ कि किधर गांठ है.
    मेरी बीवी ने अपने एक चुचे को एक जगह से दबाकर उसे बताया कि इधर गांठ है.

    डॉक्टर ने अपने हाथ से मेरी बीवी के मम्मे की गांठ वाली जगह पर उंगली से दबाकर देखा तो मेरी बीवी की हल्की सी आह निकल गई.

    मैं अपनी आंखों से एक गैर मर्द के हाथ से अपनी बीवी के दूध दबाकर देखते हुए मस्त होने लगा.

    फिर डॉक्टर ने उससे ब्लाउज खोलने के लिए कहा तो मेरी पैंट में सनसनी होने लगी.
    शायद ये मेरी फंतासी थी जो आज मेरे सामने हो रही थी.
    मुझे बड़ा अच्छा लग रहा था.

    मेरी बीवी ने मेरी तरफ देखा तो मैंने सर हिलाकर उससे ब्लाउज खोलने का इशारा कर दिया.
    वो अपने ब्लाउज के एक एक करके हुक खोलने लगी.
    अब वो ऊपर से सिर्फ ब्रा में थी.

    डॉक्टर ने उससे ब्रा भी खोलने को कहा.
    मेरी पत्नी कुछ शर्मा रही थी क्योंकि वो पहली बार किसी अन्य पुरुष के सामने वो इस प्रकार से थी.

    मैंने उससे कहा- अरे शर्माओ मत, जब तक डॉक्टर को दिखाओगी नहीं, तब तक इलाज कैसे होगा.

    ये सुनकर उसने अपनी ब्रा खोलकर एक तरफ रख दी और दोनों हाथों से अपनी चूचियों को छुपाने लगी.

    मैं उससे कहा- डॉक्टर से शर्म कैसी, दिखा दो न!
    डॉक्टर भी बोलने लगा- हां दिखाओ, नहीं तो इलाज कैसे होगा?

    फिर मेरी पत्नी ने दोनों हाथ हटा लिए जिससे उसके दोनों बूब्स उछल कर डॉक्टर के सामने आ गए.

    डॉक्टर सामने से मेरी पत्नी क़े दूध छूकर चैक करने लगा.
    वो एक मम्मे की गांठ वाली जगह दबा दबा देखने लगा.
    फिर उसने दूसरे मम्मे को भी उसी जगह दबा कर चैक किया.

    इतनी देर में मेरी बीवी भी अपनी शर्म छोड़ चुकी थी.
    मुझे भी ये देखकर मजा आने लगा था.

    डॉक्टर ने दोनों हाथों से मेरी बीवी के दूध को दाब दाब कर गांठ देखना शुरू कर दिया था.
    मेरी बीवी भी उसे बता रही थी कि इसमें इधर दर्द होता है, इधर नहीं होता है.

    डॉक्टर बारी बारी से दोनों मम्मे दबाते हुए देख रहा था.

    मैंने भी महसूस किया कि इस सीन से मेरा लंड भी खड़ा हो गया था.

    डॉक्टर ने बहुत देर तक मेरी बीवी के मम्मों को हर तरह से दबा कर जांचा.
    फ़िर वो ऐसे ही बात करने लगा कि ये ठीक हो जाएगा.

    मेरी बीवी अभी भी ऊपर से पूरी नंगी थी.

    फिर डॉक्टर ने उससे पूछा- महीना ठीक से होता है?
    वो बोली- हां होता हैं, पर सेक्स करते समय नीचे जलन होती है.

    डॉक्टर ने मुस्कुरा कर कहा- नीचे कहां?
    मेरी पत्नी ने शर्मा कर कहा- उधर चूत में.

    डॉक्टर ने चुत शब्द सुना तो एकदम से बोला- ये गड़बड़ बात है … उधर तो जलन नहीं होनी चाहिए. इसे तुरंत जांचना होगा.

    मेरी पत्नी ने मेरी तरफ देखा तो मैंने भी उसे दो उंगलियों से छेद बनाकर इशारा कर दिया कि चुत भी दिखा दो.
    उसने मेरी तरफ गुस्सा से देखा.
    मगर उसके पास कोई चारा नहीं था.

    वो बगल में रखी टेबल पर बैठ गई.
    डॉक्टर ने साड़ी और पेटीकोट हटाने को कहा.

    मेरी पत्नी शर्माती हुई अपनी साड़ी और पेटीकोट खोलने लगी.
    डॉक्टर भी उसे ही देख रहा था.

    मेरी बीवी ऊपर से तो नंगी थी ही अब नीचे से भी नंगी होने जा रही थी.

    इधर लंड मेरी पैंट फाड़ कर जैसे बाहर आने को बेताब हो गया था.

    मैंने ध्यान दिया कि डॉक्टर ने भी अपना लंड एक दो बार मसल दिया था जो मेरी बीवी ने भी नोटिस किया था.

    मेरी पत्नी आते समय अपनी पैंटी पहनना भूल गई थी.
    साड़ी पेटीकोट के हटते ही वो हम दोनों के सामने पूरी तरह नंगी हो गई थी.

    उसे जैसे ही ख्याल आया कि उसने पैंटी नहीं पहनी है, वो झट से अपनी चूत को छुपाने लगी.

    डॉक्टर ने उसे लेटने को कहा और पैरों को मोड़ कर फैलाने को कहा.

    अब तक वो भी अपनी शर्म छोड़ चुकी थी.

    मेरी पत्नी के चूत में छोटे छोटे बाल थे, कुछ दिन पहले मैंने ही अपनी पत्नी के चूत के बाल साफ किए थे.

    मेरी बीवी पूरी नंगी टेबल पर लेटी हुई थी.
    अब डॉक्टर मेरी बीवी के पास जाकर पहले तो चूत देखता रहा. मेरी बीवी की चूत बहुत गोरी है.

    फिर वो मेरी बीवी की चूत की फांकों को अपने हाथ से फैला फैला कर देखने लगा.
    वो कभी कभी चूत को मसल भी देता था जिससे मेरी पत्नी के मुँह से एक सेक्सी आवाज भी निकल जा रही थी.

    कुछ देर बाद मेरी पत्नी ने अपने पैर पूरी तरह से अलग करके डॉक्टर के सामने चूत फैला दी थी.
    वो चुत खोले हुए मेरी ओर देख रही थी.

    मैंने भी आंख मारते हुए उसे एक मुस्कान दे दी. मैंने देखा कि उसके चेहरे पर भी एक हल्की सी मुस्कान आ गई थी.

    मुझे ऐसा महसूस होने लगा था कि औरत को अपने पति की रजामंदी मिल जाए तो वो किसी के सामने भी अपनी चुत खोलने को राजी हो सकती है.

    डॉक्टर ने अब अपनी एक उंगली को मेरी पत्नी के चूत में घुसा दी और चुत चैक करने लगा था.

    इससे मेरी पत्नी को अब मजा आने लगा था और उसकी चुत ने हल्का हल्का सा रस छोड़ना शुरू कर दिया था.

    चुत से रस रिसना किसी को भी ये बताने के लिए काफी होता है कि चुत गर्म होने लगी है और चुत वाली को मजा आ रहा है.

    डॉक्टर बहुत देर तक मेरी पत्नी की चूत को उंगली से ऐसे चैक करता रहा, जैसे कि वो चुत चोद रहा हो.
    शायद डॉक्टर को अब चूत छोड़ने का मन ही नहीं था.

    मैं तो ये देखकर दंग था कि मेरी पत्नी इस वक्त मुझे और भी ज्यादा सेक्सी लग रही थी.
    वो अपनी आंखें बंद करके डॉक्टर की उंगली को अपनी चुत में लेकर मजा ले रही थी.

    फिर डॉक्टर ने अपनी उंगली चुत से निकाली और मेरी बीवी से कपड़े पहन कर बाहर आने को कहा.

    मैंने देखा कि डॉक्टर का लंड पैंट के ऊपर से पूरा खड़ा हो गया था.
    इधर मेरा भी लंड पूरा खड़ा था.

    डॉक्टर मुस्कुराते हुए अपने कुर्सी पर बैठ गया.
    मेरी पत्नी अपने कपड़े पहन कर वापस डॉक्टर के पास आ गई.

    डॉक्टर ने दवा दी और मुझसे कहा कि सेक्स करने से पहले अपनी पत्नी को पूरा गर्म किया करो, जिससे उसकी चूत पूरी गीली हो जाए, तभी अपना लंड चूत में डाला करो, इससे जलन नहीं होगी. तुम शायद सूखी चुत में लंड पेल देते हो, जिससे इसको जलन होती है.

    उसने मेरी बीवी को एक सप्ताह की दवा दी और एक सप्ताह बाद आने का बोला, वो फिर से चैक करके देखेगा.

    मैं अपनी बीवी को घर आने लगा.
    आते समय मैं अपनी बीवी को छेड़ रहा था कि तुम्हारी चुत तो रस निकालने लगी थी.

    वो शर्माने लगी और बोली- साले ने गर्म करके छोड़ दिया है. मेरी चुत में आग लगी है. घर चल कर मुझे शांत करो.

    मैंने घर आते ही बीवी को पूरी नंगी करके चोदना शुरू कर दिया.
    चुदाई के समय मैं डॉक्टर को याद करके उसे चोदता रहा.

    इस तरह से एक हफ्ता बीत गया.

    मैंने सोनी से कहा- डॉक्टर ने एक सप्ताह बाद आने को कहा था.
    सोनी हंस कर बोली- मुझे लगता है कि वो फिर से नंगी करके चैक करेगा.

    मैंने हंस कर कहा- हां, अबकी बार वो डॉक्टर तुमको चोद भी देगा.
    वो बोली- हां वो तो आप साथ में थे, नहीं तो वो पहली बार में ही मुझे चोद देता.

    मैं बोला- तो इस बार तुम अकेली ही जाओ और उससे चुदवा कर आना फिर मुझे बताना कि इसका लंड कैसा लगा.
    मेरी बीवी खिलखिला कर हंस पड़ी.

    हम दोनों में तय हो गया कि इस बार सोनी अकेली ही डॉक्टर से मिलेगी.

    वो डॉक्टर के पास गई और डॉक्टर ने उसे अन्दर केबिन में ले जाकर पहले ऊपर से नंगी कर दिया.

    सोनी ने अपने दूध उसे दिखाए और उससे बोली- डॉक्टर साब जब मेरे पति मेरे दूध चूसते हैं तो मुझे बड़ा अच्छा लगता है मगर जब मैं अपने हाथ से अपने दूध को दबाती हूँ तो इसमें मुझे दर्द होता है.

    डॉक्टर ने सोनी की तरफ देखा और कहा- चलो मैं ये भी चैक कर लेता हूँ.

    सोनी ने ओके कहा और वो टेबल पर बैठ गई.

    डॉक्टर ने उसके एक दूध को अपने मुँह में ले लिया और चूसने लगा. सोनी की मादक सीत्कार निकलने लगी.
    कुछ ही देर में वो गर्म हो गई और उसने डॉक्टर को अपने पास खींच लिया.

    डॉक्टर भी समझ गया कि ये गर्मा गई है तो उसने सोनी से कपड़े उतार कर नंगी होने को कहा.

    सोनी तो चुदने के मूड में थी ही. उसने झट से अपनी साड़ी ब्लाउज उतार दिए और चुत खोल कर डॉक्टर को वासना से देखने लगी.

    डॉक्टर ने कहा- कुछ चाहिए?
    सोनी ने डॉक्टर का लंड पकड़ लिया और बोली- हां आपका ये चाहिए.

    डॉक्टर ने अपने कपड़े उतारे और मेरी बीवी पर चढ़ गया.
    उन दोनों में कुछ ही देर में चुदाई होनी शुरू हो गई.

    बीस मिनट बाद मेरी बीवी ने डॉक्टर का लंड अपनी चुत में झड़वा लिया.

    इस तरह से उसने एक गैर मर्द का लंड अपनी चुत में लेकर मजा ले लिया था.

    बाद में उसने मुझे डॉक्टर सेक्स कैसे हुआ, सब कुछ बता दिया.

    अब हम दोनों इसी तरह से अलग अलग मर्दों से और औरतों से चुदाई का मजा लेने लगे हैं.

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  • Sex escapades of sexy wife Story

    Hello everybody I am Yogita, I am back with another real life experience not mine but one of my friend. Names changed as per her request. Now here onwards please read the story in her own words.
    Hi guys, I am Amruta 28 years working wife with loving husband and no children, I got married 2 years back. I am fitness freak and maintained myself with fig of 34-26-34 with fair skin, my height is 5’4”. I am working in company where we have to work in 24*7 shifts. I am sharing my experience with cab driver of my company. We have company transport facility so every day I travel with cab, once I had night shift for two months that time only one driver used to pick n drop me his name was Javed, he was around 40 years in age not so good looking with little pot belly but had good beard. I never had any interest in him, we regularly used to talk on normal things while traveling as for this shift I used to be alone in cab. While our talks I told him that I am thinking of joining driving class, as I don’t know how to drive car. So he asked me “If I don’t mind he can teach me how to drive” I said how it is possible as I am having night n you also work at night. He said we are alone while going home (my shift time is 6 pm to 3 am) so that time there is no traffic also so he can teach me that time and will not take any fees. I was bit skeptical about his proposal but later thought that if I am getting free tuition why I should deny it n I finally agreed to his proposal. That time I wasn’t knowing this is going to change my relation with him.
    Next day after office hours our class started, on the way as we went to long deserted road we switched the seat, I went to driver seat and he sat next seat in front. I tried to drive but as I was very scared to drive so I did it all wrong n we missed an accident, that makes me more scared of driving so I somehow stopped the car but immediately got down, he comforted me saying that this is normal no need to worry I will learn but as I was scared he dropped me home.
    Next day after office he suggested me that there is open ground on our way where we can go and begin the class as on ground we have nothing to fear of accident, as my office is outskirt of city the ground was totally out of city and time being 3.00 am there was no possibility of someone being there for at least 4 hours. We drove there, as the ground was just a big open space there was pitch dark and no sign of anything in sight. As we went there, we switched the seats, now he started instructing me but still I was getting confused a lot, once I presses accelerator instead of brake, somehow I stopped the car but got scared like shit n started crying that I will never be able to learn driving. He put his hand on my back n hold one hand with his hand. I got bit relaxed with his touch, then he suggested that
    J: If you don’t mind I have suggestion.
    A: What?
    J: Let me sit behind you so that in case you have any problem I can control the car
    A: How can we sit on same seat?
    J: Don’t worry madam, you can trust me I won’t do anything wrong.
    A: I trust you but it will be uncomfortable for both of us and what if someone comes n see us.
    J: madam no one come to this ground till 10 am in morning so don’t worry and its just matter of few minutes. Once you get confidence you can drive alone I will just instruct you from side seat.
    After thinking I agreed, that day I was wearing kurti and leggings. Then he came n sat on seat then asked me to come inside, he spread his legs to give me space to sit. Car seat being not big enough to accompany two people, I had very narrow space to sit, somehow I sat between his legs but his belly was touching my back, it was like he was hugging me from behind but Javed was not doing any undue advances. He started the car n instructed me drive. Our thighs and hands were like one on other, I somehow drove for some time and was happy with my progress. Also I was bit aroused with being so closely sitting with other man than my husband. This continued for two days, I got used to his touches now, he used to put his hands on my waist, shoulders, but I never objected as he was touching me professionally. But it started making wrong effect on me I started getting aroused with his touches as my hubby was recently busy with his work and haven’t fucked me well in last almost 4 months. I was thinking that he will make some advances to fuck me but alas he wasn’t doing anything, he was behaving way too professionally. But here I was getting desperate and frustration start building in me. Next day I decided to get little bolder, so I wore sleeveless salwar suit with duppatta which has deep neck in front and back, it revealed lot of cleavage n back, as it was winter days I used to wear jacket on it so nobody in my office would think otherwise for me. Once the office was done, we moved to the ground and I removed my duppatta and jacket in order to seduce him, I wanted him to take a lead. So went n sat in front of him, within minutes I found his hard cock poking me from behind, I was more than happy so started driving. His beard touch on my bare back was making me mad and his head was on my shoulder so he could see massive valley of my boobs but today he kept his hands away from me n this make me little more frustrated. I moved back to touch my back to his belly n chest then I felt he too was aroused n he put hands on my thighs n brushed his chin with my bare shoulder, I was happy with this movements. He moved hands on my thighs waist even kissed lightly on my back making my pussy wet, but suddenly his phone rang n someone asked him to come immediately. I was pissed off for this, as I thought I will get good nice fuck but all in vain. Next day after office I went for cab but didn’t found Javed, there was different cab today with security guard. So I tried calling him but his phone was off. I was surprised with the events, next day I called him in afternoon.
    J: Hello
    A: Hello Javed ji where have you been, why didn’t you come yesterday?
    J: Sorry madam, actually I was on leave yesterday.
    A: What happened? Is everything all right?
    J: Yes. But I am requesting for shift change in office.
    A: Why? N what about our classes.
    J: Better you join driving school, I won’t be able to teach you.
    A: But what happened? You only promised me to teach now everything was going good, why the hell you suddenly changing shift? (I was angry more as I wanted his cock n this bastard was teasing me)
    J: Madam to be honest, yesterday you wore such sexy clothes, your sexy back was in front of me. This is too difficult for me to control, something bad may happen.
    A: Oh nothing will happen, I didn’t say anything to you then why are you worried. I want only you to pick me up from office tomorrow.
    J: No madam you don’t know how difficult it is for me to control myself, I don’t want that to happen
    (Now this bugger wants me to beg for his cock, I was angry but aroused same time as I like dominant men who make woman beg for fucking)
    A: No. You will come to pick me, I want to learn driving from you. So tomorrow don’t give any excuse.
    J: Ok madam will try. (He said n disconnected the call)
    Next day I was wearing tight jeans and sleeveless shirt and jacket on it, but before boarding cab n removed the jacket n kept in my bag and opened one button and sat in back seat. As we went to ground he got down n ask me to sit, he said he will teach me from another seat.
    A: No. let’s continue our regular way, I am not fully confident to control car.
    J: No madam, you don’t understand. I am unable to control myself looking at your sexy body, I will do something wrong.
    A: then do it, I don’t care.
    J: Ok fine.
    I sat with him on driver seat, as usual he put hands on my waist, today he can see my cleavage through the open button, and I had my hairs tied in pony so my entire neck was visible. He said today let’s get a step ahead, I said what do you mean? He said will instruct me without talking, I was amazed n asked how? He said when I have to turn left he will put his hand on my left hand and for right he will move hand on my right hand. If he put my right thigh I have to accelerate, if he touches my left thigh I have change gear and when he touch my belly I have to apply brake. I find it too interesting n I was instantly turned on with his suggestion. I immediately agreed, he too was now confident that I am in game now. So he put hands on my waist n then slowly he was moving hands on my bare hands and thighs, we both were enjoying I could feel his erection on my ass. Suddenly he put hand in forward n touch my belly I apply brake n we stopped. I asked him why do you asked me to stop.
    J: madam your skin is very soft so I got lost n so touched your belly
    A: you naughty. (I said this with seductive smile)
    J: I know madam.
    A: I can understand javed don’t worry.
    J: So should we go home?
    A: It’s just 4.00 I think lets practice more for some time and then we can go,
    J: Ok madam
    He got hint that I am also enjoying. So he pulled me even closer to him n said madam lets drive bit faster. But there is one problem, I asked what? He said how can I ask to horn? I thought a bit n said touch my neck for it, but he said it is uncomfortable for him to move hand so much. Then with naughty smile I asked him to kiss my neck. He was more than happy to listen this, we started again n he put hand on my right thigh to accelerate n pressed it gently. I let small moan, he understood I too want the same, now he kissed me on neck n I horn the car. This encouraged him n he started giving me kiss more times. I too was enjoying this game, he suddenly moved his left hand in my shirt n put on my naked waist n started moving on it. Now both of us were aware that what we were doing but still we were acting like we are driving. He cock was poking my ass from behind, his beard on my bare neck making me ticklish, in some time he said lets add more concentration to your drive, I said what plan you have? He said he will do anything to me but I must concentrate on driving without reacting.

    I found this very interesting so I readily agreed. So he was like ready for this so he immediately pulled me on him n asked me to drive. I started driving n he pinched my waist n kissed my neck, I moaned a little, he immediately responded that concentrate on driving, which I obeyed. Seeing positive response from me he became bolder n licked my neck n was playing with my soft belly. Now things were getting out of control from me n was getting bolder n bolder, he got hold of my bra covered boobs n started pressing them, this was too much for me I stopped the car he got bit scared but without saying him something I let out a moan. This was green signal for him n he continued his job, I put my hands on his hands n helped him to press my boobs harder. But he stopped all activities, I was frustrated n asked.
    A: What happened please continue.
    J: But madam. I can’t do it with you, as I don’t do this to anyone else then my wife and girlfriend.
    A: then think me as your gf.
    J: No I can’t
    A: Why not?
    J: Because my gf always behave as my command n doesn’t say no to me.
    A: ok. I will also do the same.
    J: I call them by their name, I use slang language.
    (I was so desperate to get fucked that without knowing I was agreeing to his terms)
    A: ok then don’t call me madam, call me Amruta.
    J: Listen madam. I know what you want n I will give it that to you but I have my conditions.
    A: I am fine with it.
    J: First listen. I will call you by name, I will use filthy language, I can abuse you, you can’t say no to anything. You will behave as I order you.
    A: ok I am ready, you can do whatever you want but please continue.
    J: ok. Then listen amruta, get up n remove you shirt completely and keep it in back seat and stand out of car.
    I immediately got out n open back door opened my shirt completely and kept it on back seat. He too came out of car n stood ahead of me, I was waiting for his next move.
    J: wow you have such a sexy fig bitch, now open my shirt while kissing my body.
    I immediately got near him, kissed on his lips n started removing his shirt button, his body had lot of hairs I kissed his chest n removed all his button while kissing chest, fat belly.
    J: I never imagined you are such a good whore amruta, I thought you are good decent lady.
    A: I am decent lady, just doing this for you.
    J: Shut up you slut n keep doing what I told you. Now go to front of car n bend on the bonnet with your hands spread on bonnet.
    I went to car laid my upper body on bonnet with hands upside, my entire back was just covered by thin bra strip. I decent working lady was lying half naked on bonnet and taking order from a 40+ year’s driver of her cab, this thought was making my pussy wet like anything. My panty was soaked with the juices, he came behind me n slapped hard on my ass.
    J: what a ass you have amruta. You know I wanted to fuck that tight ass from the day I saw you, whenever I used to see you with tight jeans I wanted to slap that ass hard.
    He kept slapping my ass while saying this to me, then he bent down licking my whole back. He was pressing my ass n side of waist, he removed hook of my bra n pulled me up n threw the bra on front glass of car, now I was topless with my short mangalsutra around my neck. As soon as he turned me I locked my lips with his n moved my legs around his legs, we kissed for 10 min like that n he pushed me down. I sat on my knees n opened his pant to my shock his cock was surrounded with thick hairy bush smelling with piss but most shocking was his cut cock was almost 9” in length n 4” thick which makde me crazy like hell. I suddenly took that in my mouth n started sucking it, though his size was choking me but I was beyond my control due to lust. I kept sucking his dirty prick, he pulled me up n removed my jeans n panty threw everything on front glass, picked me up n put on the bonnet, I spread my legs to welcome his cock, he too pushed his dick in me. It was hurting me as I never took this big in my life I cried
    A: please pull it back its hurtinggggggggg
    J: shut up you whore, you deserve to be fucked like this in open air.
    He kept pushing inside, I had tears in my eyes. But without caring he started pumping me holding my boobs, within sometime my pain subdued n I started enjoying
    A: aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuccccccccckkkkkk meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee hardddddddddd
    J: yes you bitch shout like that aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    He fucked me for while like that n again turned me around, cold bonnet was touching my hot boobs and he pushed again from behind n kept stroking like no tomorrow. I was moaning with pleasure, he took my both hands n locked them with his one hand on my back, now my body n face was on bonnet n he was ramming me from behind like riding a horse. I came atleast 4 time in a while, he kept fucking me for 20 min in that position n was about to cum he asked me to be on my knees n came on my boobs, he asked me to spread cum on my boob n don’t clean it. I obeyed him then he pulled me up n we kissed like lovers. It was almost 4.30 am, we got dressed up n he dropped me at home. I was so satisfied that I slept peacefully after many days.

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  • Sex With beggar girl

    Hello every body. I am going to tell you my own true story. First of all I will tell you about my self. My name is “HOME-ALONE” obviously not a real name. My age is 22. I am a student of computers. I live in India with my Father and Mother. Usually I come from college at 4 p:m. Sometimes my father and mother goes outside the home for shopping and I became alone at the home.
    It was also one of the evenings when mom and papa went outside the home to meet their relatives lived in different city. I was alone in home and watching the sexy pictures of girls on the computer. I had got a large collection of pics. All the pictures were of the naked girls with beautiful styles. I did not like the pictures of fucking and sucking. I was seeing the pictures and my dick was in my hand. At that time I had never fucked any girl and I was virgin. While I was seeing the pictures of the nude girls with my dick in my hand I listened the sound of the bell. I dressed up and went to the door to see who was outside. When I went outside I saw that a young girl was begging and she asked me to help her. I asked her to come inside the home and she did so. I had not thought negative about her. I took her to my room and asked her to sit on the chair. I asked her name. She told that her name is Kiran. I questioned her that why she beg in such age. She told that she belonged to a poor family. Her father had died due to poor health and they were so poor that could not admit her father in the hospital. She was the only daughter of her parents and she had no brother and now she lives alone with her mother. Her mother is also of poor health.She told me that she was hungry and wanted to eat something. So I went to the kitchen to bring something. I took bread and gave her to eat. When I had gone outside I had left my computer on. When I brought the bread for Kiran she was looking at the computer. There was a sexy screen saver running on the computer.

    I felt very ashamed and quickly turned off the computer. I had never thought that the screen saver would run at such a moment. Kiran asked me about the things that were running on the computer. I was answer less and remained quite. She asked me that she wanted to see the thing that was happened on the computer. I was totally surprised on her request. I asked her that what she was saying. She again asked me that she wanted to see the things that were on the computer. I turned on the computer and showed her the sexy screen saver. She asked me that had I ever fucked any girl or boy. I told her that I was a virgin. She asked me that how was it if you lose your virginity. I was totally shocked I had never thought that such a beautiful girl would offer me to do so. She asked me to show her something on the computer.
    Fortunately I had got a XXX CD so I put that CD in the CD-ROM and played the movie. When the movie started my dick also started to stand up. When the movie was running Kiran also started to get warm. She put her hand on my shirt and opened my buttons. I also started to unbutton her qamize. She put my pent down. When I had unbuttoned her qamize I took it off and tried to unhook her bra but as I had no previous experience of doing such a thing so I was unable to unhook her bra. She helped me to unhook the bra. I was amazed on the next moment when I saw her boobs. They were not too big and not small, they were of perfect shape and size. I had never seen such boobs in films or pictures. I started to suck them, as I was unable to control myself. She started to take my dick in her mouth. I had been used to hand practice. I had never felt such a good sensation in my whole life. I was enjoying the beautiful moments. The moments when you had seen first time a naked girl in front of you. I was about to cum when she was taking my dick in and out in her mouth. I told her that I was cumming but she didn’t care and I cummed in her mouth. She had drunk all of the sperms and taken them all in her stomach. My eyes were closed and I was enjoying the moments. After some time I started to lick her cunt. She was coming warmer and warmer. She was moaning with delight. Her cunt was wet and hot.

    My dick started to get up again. Kiran had come to extremes of her delight and she started to cum. She was moaning louder and louder with pleasure. Meanwhile the home bell rang. I was afraid that my mom and papa had come. I asked Kiran to get under the bed. She got under the bed. I turned the computer off. Quickly washed my sperms and her fluid and went outside to open the door. My heart was beating and color of my face had gone. I opened the door and mom and papa went inside the home. Mom asked me that what was wrong and I told her that it was all right. I was thinking that if mom would see Kiran she would kill me. When mom entered the home she went to my room. Now I was very terrified and my heart was going to come out of my body. When she saw the utensils in my room she asked me that who had come in my room. I told her that I was hungry and took the bread in my room. She went to her room and I thanked God that she had not seen Kiran. But the trouble had not gone yet my father came into my room and turned on the computer. He usually played Free Cell on the computer.
    When he started the game I knew that he would not went before two or three hours. My heart was beating. I thought that I Kiran would come out what would happen. Papa played the game for three hours and it was dark outside. When he went out of my room I locked the door and asked Kiran to come out. She came out of the bed. Her color had gone. I asked her that she could go to her home and I could drop her but I was amazed on her answer. She asked that it was too late and her house was far away so she could not go to her house. I asked her that then where would she stay the night if she would not went to house. She became quite. The telephone bell rang. I asked Kiran to get under the bed and she did so. I locked my room and gone to listen the phone. It was my uncle’s phone. He told me to call my father so I called my father and he listened the phone while he was listening the phone his face was changing expressions. Papa told me that my cousin had been injured in a road accident and they (mom and papa) had to go hospital and it was also possible that they would remain in the hospital for the night. Mom and papa went to the hospital. I went to my room and asked Kiran to come outside she asked me that what had happened and I told her the whole story. I took her to the TV cabinet and turned on the TV. I asked her to watch the TV and I went to the market to bring a XXX movie. The market was near to my home and I took the movie. She was watching the channel. I put the movie in the CD-ROM of my computer and the movie started.
    We sat on the bed. I took her clothes off and she took my clothes off. We were totally naked. The movie was very sexy. The scenes of the film were very sexy. After watching movie for about fifteen minutes we started kissing. I kissed on her mouth when our lips met, I was feeling myself in another world, the world of wonder and delight. She gave me so much pleasure that it could not be explained on the page. We kissed each other for five minutes I was very hot. I sucked her boobs, the beautiful boobs. The boobs that were never seen and about which I had never listened. They were so firm and nicely shaped that I sucked them for a long time meanwhile she was rubbing her hands on my thighs. We came into a 69 position and I licked her cunt and she took my dick in her mouth. I was feeling very nice. She started to moan. I changed the position and sat on her stomach. My dick was wet due to her spittle I put my dick in her beautiful boobs. It was so nice that I could not explain in the words. I started to fuck her boobs after a minute I began to cum on her boobs.

    We again started to watch the movie. After half an hour on a beautiful scene Kiran took my dick in her mouth. It again started to standup. She sucked it for two minutes. I was rubbing her beautiful boobs. I wanted to put my dick in her cunt. I told her that I wanted to put dick in her cunt. My dick was wet due to her spittle and her cunt was wet because she was so warm. I put the head of my dick in her cunt. My dick was 8 inches long and it was also large in the diameter. When the head of my dick went into Kiran, she started to moan. I was thinking that she is moaning due to pain. I asked her that was she feeling pain but she told me to put the whole dick in her cunt. So slowly I put my dick in her cunt. Kiran was moaning with joy. Whole of my dick was inside her cunt. I had never got such a pleasure in my whole life. For two minutes I remained my dick inside her cunt without any movement. After two minutes I started to move my dick. It was my first sexual intercourse and I was feeling very nice. I started to take the jerks politely. Kiran started to moan but that time I knew that she was moaning with pleasure. I had already cum two times. So my sperms were not going to come early. I fucked her until she started to flow meantime I also told her that I was cumming. She told me to cum inside her so I cum inside her. While cumming I was so exited that I closed my eyes with my dick inside her. She had also got the same situation. We were sleeping after a while in the same position. When my eyes opened I looked at the watch it was 6:30 am. Kiran was sleeping with me. I saw her beautiful face and kissed her on the lips and then I sucked her beautiful boobs.

    She was sleeping without any fears. My dick again started to get up. I kissed her on her mouth. She woke up and saw at me. She told me to fuck her for the last time. First we got in a 69 position. I licked her cunt and she sucked my dick. When I changed the position and started to give her my dick in her cunt, she stopped me. I was surprised that why she had stopped me to do so. She asked me to fuck her in her ass hole. I took a lotion and wet my dick.

     put some of the lotion on her ass hole. I slowly pressed my dick inside her. The cock went inside her and she started moaning. I put whole of my dick in her ass hole slowly. When the whole of my dick went inside her I started to give small jerks. I was feeling very good. Her ass hole was tight and I was feeling pressure on my dick. But the pressure was not giving me pain. It was giving me beautiful pleasure. After about 5 minutes I cum inside her. I was so tired that I went to sleep in the same position. When my eyes opened I looked at the clock. It was 8 a:m and I was afraid that if mom and father come. I set the cabinet and the room and cleaned it with the help of Kiran.
    I asked her that I should leave her to her home but she denied. When she was going out of my home I gave her 1000 rupees and thanked her for giving me so much pleasure.

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  • आंटी की तन्हाई चूत चोदन से मिटाई

    मेरे दोस्तो, मेरा नाम विजय है. मैं एक प्राइवेट कंपनी में जॉब करता हूँ. मैं अब तक अनमैरिड हूँ. मैं गुडगांव में रहता हूं.

    यह कहानी अभी कुछ दिनों पहले की है. एक बार में मोटोरोला के सर्विस सेंटर गया था. मैं एमजी रोड मेट्रो स्टेशन पर पहुंचा और वहां से मैं सर्विस सेंटर पर चला गया. मैंने अपना फोन सबमिट किया और मैं इंतजार कर रहा था. कुछ देर इंतजार करने के बाद मेरे पास में वेटिंग लाइन में एक 40 वर्ष की महिला आ कर बैठ गई. वह भी फोन को सबमिट कर उसको वापस पाने का इंतजार कर रही थी.

    उसी बीच एक कर्मचारी हमारे पास आया और वो मेरे पास आकर बोला- आपका फोन 3 घंटे बाद मिल जाएगा.
    उसकी बात सुनकर वो महिला भी उससे पूछने लगी- और मेरा फोन कितनी देर में मिलेगा?
    उस कर्मचारी ने उस महिला के फोन के लिए देखा और कहा आपका फोन भी तीन घंटे में ही मिल पाएगा.

    मैं तो उस कर्मचारी की बात सुन कर शांत बैठ गया, पर वह महिला बोली कि मैं 3 घंटे तक क्या करूंगी?
    वो आदमी उससे कुछ नहीं बोला और वापस चला गया. पर वो औरत भुनभुनाने लगी.

    इसी बीच मैंने अपना दूसरा फोन जेब से निकाला और आसपास के बीयर बार की लोकेशन देखने लगा. तो उस महिला ने मेरे फोन में ये देख लिया.
    वो मुझसे बोली- क्या तुम आस-पास के किसी बीयर बार का बता सकते हो?
    मैंने तो सर्च किया ही था. उधर से कुछ ही दूरी पर एक बियर बार था. मैंने उसको उस बार की लोकेशन बताई.

    उसके बाद उसने कहा- तुम बार की लोकेशन ही सर्च कर रहे थे न? तुम्हें भी बीयर बार जाना है क्या?
    मैंने कहा- हां इधर बैठ कर क्या करूंगा. मुझे भी वहीं जाना था, इधर 3 घंटे तक बैठने से अच्छा है कि उधर बैठ कर संडे एन्जॉय करूं.
    तो वह हंस कर बोली- हां यही मेरा विचार है. चलो तुम मेरी कार में चलो. हम दोनों ही चलते हैं.

    मेरे काफी मना करने के बाद भी वह नहीं मानी और मुझे जबरन हाथ पकड़ कर अपने साथ ले गई.

    हम दोनों वहां पहुंचे, तब तक वो मुझसे काफी बात कर चुकी थी. बार के अन्दर पहुंच कर उस आंटी ने एक वेटर को बुलाया और खुद के लिए बियर आर्डर की. आंटी ने मुझसे पूछा, तो मैंने भी बियर का आर्डर दे दिया.

    ये बियर के ब्रांड काफी तेज अल्कोहल वाले थे. बियर पीते पीते वो अपने बारे में बताने लगी. उसने बताया कि उसके हस्बैंड दुबई में बिजनेसमैन है और वह गुडगांव में फ्लैट लेकर अकेली रहती है.

    मैं उसकी हरकतों को देखता हुआ बियर के नशे का मजा ले रहा था. वो एक बड़े गहरे गले का टॉप पहने हुए थी जिसमें से उसकी दूध घाटी मेरे लंड को खड़ा किए जा रही थी. वो भी मेरी निगाहों को अपने मम्मों पर पाकर खुद झुक झुक कर अपनी फिल्म दिखा रही थी.

    फिर कुछ देर बाद उसने मुझसे मेरे बारे में पूछा, तो मैंने बताया- मैं गुडगांव में रूम लेकर रहता हूँ और जॉब करता हूँ.

    उसके साथ बातें करते करते 3 घंटे कब बीत गए, पता ही नहीं चला. हम दोनों ने दो दो बियर हलक के नीचे उतार ली थीं. बियर का नशा हम दोनों को मस्त कर रहा था. खैर वो भी पियक्कड़ थी इसलिए उसके लिए बियर पीकर कार चलाना कोई नई बात नहीं थी. हम दोनों कार से वापस सर्विस सेन्टर गए, वहां जा कर अपना अपना मोबाइल लिया.

    फिर मैंने आंटी से कहा- ओके अब मैं चलता हूँ.
    मैं जाने लगा, तो आंटी ने मुझे रोका और बोली- कल वैसे भी संडे है, तुम्हें ऑफिस तो जाना नहीं है, तो आज डिनर के लिए मेरे साथ चलो. फिर तुम डिनर करके चले जाना.

    उसका साथ मुझे भी अच्छा लग रहा था. तीन घंटों में हम दोनों काफी हद तक एक दूसरे से खुल चुके थे. वो भी मुझे एन्जॉय के मूड में दिखी. मैंने भी सोचा कि चलो इस समय फ्री तो हूँ ही. देखता हूँ कि आंटी क्या और किस हद तक मजा दे सकती है.
    मैं उसके साथ जाने को रेडी हो गया. उसने नीचे आकर अपनी कार स्टार्ट की. मैं उसके साथ बैठ गया.

    रास्ते से उसने एक शराब की दुकान पर गाड़ी रोकी और मुझे दो हजार का नोट देकर वाइन की बोतल ले आने के लिए कहा. मैंने पैसे के लिए मना किया और मैं उसकी पसंद की वाइन ले आया. पास ही सिगरेट की दुकान से मैंने गोल्डफ्लेक सिगरेट का पैकेट ले लिया.

    वापस कार में आकर बैठा, तो आंटी ने कार स्टार्ट की और कुछ ही देर में हम दोनों उनके फ्लैट पे पहुंच गए.
    आंटी का फ्लैट काफी सुंदर था. फ्लैट के इंटीरियर पर काफी ध्यान दिया गया था, ये काफी कीमती था. वो आंटी काफी पैसे वाली लग रही थी.

    हम दोनों अन्दर आ गए थे. मैंने उससे वाशरूम का पूछा, तो वो मुझे लेके गयी. मैं वाशरूम में जाके हल्का होके बाहर निकला तो देखा कि आंटी ने नाइटी पहनी हुई थी. आंटी बोली कि बड़ी जल्दी आ गए. मैं तुम्हारे लिए ये ट्राउजर और टीशर्ट लेकर आई थी. वापस जाकर बाथ ले लो, फिर तसल्ली से डिनर का मजा लेते हैं.
    मुझे भी कुछ यूं ही लग रहा था कि नहा लिया जाए. मैं कपड़े लेकर वापस बाथरूम में घुस गया और कुछ ही मिनट में शावर लेकर नहा कर बाहर आ गया.

    अब मैं आंटी की ड्रेस पर ध्यान दिया तो उसकी नाईटी तो एकदम ट्रांसपैरेंट थी. नाईटी के अन्दर उसने इरोटिक ब्रा और पैंटी पहनी हुई थी.
    मुझे देख कर वो सोफे पर बैठ कर सेंटर टेबल पर वाइन के पैग बनाने लगी. मैंने सिगरेट जलाई तो उसने एक खुद के लिए भी जलाने के लिए कहा. मैंने उसके आगे सिगरेट की डिब्बी बढ़ा दी. लेकिन उसने मेरे हाथ की सिगरेट ले ली और मुझे दूसरी सिगरेट जलाने की कह दी.

    मैंने दूसरी सिगरेट जला ली और उसके साथ वाइन पीने बैठ गया.

    हमने काफी बातें की और दो दो पैग वाइन पी. फिर वाइन खत्म होने के बाद उसने डाइनिंग टेबल पर आ कर पहले से आर्डर से मंगाया हुआ खाना सर्व किया.

    खाना खाने के बाद मैंने एक सिगरेट जलाई और उससे जाने का कहा.
    उसने मेरी जांघ पर हाथ मारते हुए कहा- इतनी भी क्या जल्दी है यार.. बैठ कर बात करते हैं न.

    हम दोनों उसके बैडरूम में गए. वहां जा कर वो मुझसे बात करने लगी.
    आंटी ने सिगरेट का कश लेते हुए बताया कि उसके हंसबेंड 2 साल में एक बार घर आते हैं, वो भी सिर्फ 7 दिन के लिए आते हैं.

    वो ये सब बताते हुए थोड़ी सेंटीमेंटल हो गयी थी. वो मुझसे चिपक सी रही थी. मैं उसे सांत्वना दे रहा था. उसके आंसू आने लगे थे.
    मैंने आंटी के आंसू पौंछे और कहा- आप टेंशन नहीं लो, जब भी अकेलापन लगे, तो मुझे याद कर लिया करो.
    तो उसने मेरी इस बात पर मुझे हग कर लिया और कहा- क्या तुम मेरी एक जरूरत पूरी कर सकते हो?

    मेरा तो लंड खड़ा ही हो गया था और मुझे आंटी को चोदने की पड़ रही थी. इस वक्त वो मुझे एक माल सी लग रही थी लेकिन मैं अब भी संयम रखे हुए था कि शुरुआत आंटी की तरफ से होगी, तब ही इसके साथ सेक्स की सोचूंगा. मैंने आंटी से पूछा- कैसी इच्छा?
    उसने कहा- क्या तुम मेरी शरीर की जरूरत पूरी कर सकते हो?

    पहले तो मैं चुप रहा. फिर मैं कुछ बोलता, उससे पहले ही उन्होंने मेरे लिप्स पे अपने लिप्स रख दिए और मुझे स्मूच करने लगी. थोड़ी देर में मैं भी उसका साथ देने लगा.

    इसी बीच उसने मेरी जीन्स में हाथ डाल दिया और लंड को पकड़ कर सहलाना शुरू कर दिया. मैं टांगें खोल कर उसको लंड सहलाने देने लगा. उसने मेरी शर्ट खोल दी और मेरे चौड़े मर्दाना सीने पे किस करने लगी.
    इसके बाद में उसने अपनी नाइटी हटा दी और वो सिर्फ ब्रा पैंटी में आ गई. उसने मुझे हाथ से पकड़ा और उठने का इशारा किया. मैं यंत्रवत उसके साथ उठ गया. उसने मुझे बेड पे लेटा दिया.

    वो नीचे से मेरी टांगों की तरफ आई और उसने मेरी जीन्स का बटन खोल कर जीन्स ओर अंडरवियरएक साथ नीचे कर दी. मैं पूरा नंगा हो गया था. मेरे खड़े लंड को देख कर वो एकदम से मचल गई और मेरी टांगों की तरफ से बेड पर आकर मेरे लंड को आंटी ने अपने मुँह में भर लिया. आंटी लंड चूसने लगी.
    मुझे जन्नत का मजा आने लगा.

    कुछ मिनट लंड चुसाई करने के बाद उसने अपनी ब्रा पैंटी भी उतार दी और मेरे सीने के दोनों तरफ अपनी दोनों टांगें डाल कर अपना एक निप्पल मेरे मुँह में डाल दिया. मैं आंटी के निप्पल को चूसने लगा और दूसरे चूचे को अपने हाथों से दबाने लगा. वो अब तक मेरे ऊपर लेट गई थी, जिससे मेरा लंड उसकी चूत से लग गया था.

    काफी देर तक आंटी के बूब्स से मज़े लेने के बाद मुझे अपने लंड पर उसकी चूत से पानी रिसता सा महसूस हुआ. मैंने उसको लंड से थपकी दी, तो आंटी ने अपने हाथ से मेरे लंड को पकड़ा और अपनी चूत में फिट करके लंड के ऊपर बैठ गई.

    मेरा लंड मोटा था. शुरू में मेरा आधा लंड ही आंटी की चुत में जा सका था. वो दर्द की वजह से कहराने लगी थी, पर कुछ देर में मेरा पूरा लंड अन्दर चला गया. वो कुछ देर लंड को अन्दर लेकर बैठी रही अपनी चूत से मेरे लंड की दोस्ती करवाती रही. फिर आंटी मेरे लंड पर ऊपर नीचे होने लगी.

    उसके बाद मैंने आंटी को अपने नीचे लिया और लंड उनकी चूत में डाल कर उसको दबादब चोदने लगा.
    इसी बीच वो एकदम से अकड़ कर झड़ गयी थी, पर मैं अब तक नहीं झड़ पाया था. मैंने लंड बाहर निकाला और आंटी ने मेर लंड को चूस कर खुद को दुबारा तैयार किया.

    अब आंटी डॉगी स्टाइल में आ गयी. मैंने पीछे से उनकी चूत में लंड डाल दिया और काफी देर चोदने के बाद खुद को चरम पर आता हुआ महसूस किया तो मैंने आंटी से कहा- मेरा निकलने वाला है.
    आंटी ने कहा- अपना रस मेरे बूब्स पर निकाल दो.
    वो लेट गयी और मैं उसके ऊपर आ गया. वो मेरे लंड को अपनी मुठ्ठी में लेकर हिलाने लगी. थोड़ी देर लंड हिलाने के बाद मेरा सारा माल उसके मम्मों पे आ गया. उसने खुद को साफ किया और मेरे लंड को साफ किया.

    इसके बाद एक दौर वाइन का फिर से चला और हम दोनों फिर से अभिसार के लिए गरम हो गए. उस रात हमने 3 बार चुदाई की, फिर सुबह हमने साथ में बाथ लिया. जाते समय आंटी ने मुझे 5000 रुपये दिए.
    मैंने मना किया तो आंटी ने कहा- मैं तुमको कोई गिफ्ट देना चाहती थी, लेकिन इस वक्त सम्भव नहीं है, प्लीज़ तुम बुरा मत मानना, अपने लिए कुछ भी मेरी तरफ से ले लेना.

    मैंने उसकी बात मान ली और उससे अलग होकर ओने घर चला गया.

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  • Maa ki chudai kahani on my birthday

    Mera naam hai akash or mai 12 th stand me padhta hun! Mjhe porn movies dekhna bahut he zyada acha lagta hai! Specially mom and son! Maine 8th class se porn dekhna shuru kari or porn ko dekh ke muthi marta..! Mai in porn movies ko dekhne ke bad kbhie kbhie apni ma ke bare me sochta ki agar is porn me yeh apni mom ko chodh sakta he toh mai kyu nhe! Par fir mujhe dar lagta ki mom toh mujhe mar he dalegi!

    Ab bat karta hun apni maa or family ke bare me mere dad ek business man hai or woh ajakal business ke kam se foreign jate rehte hai! Or mera ek bada bhai he jo ki banglore me apni engineering puri kar rha h! Toh wo chuttyo me he he ghar aata tha delhi me!

    Ab mai apni pyaari or behad sundar maa ke bare me baat karta hun! Meri maa ka nam Shalini hai! Unki age 38 hai or woo ek housewife hai! Magar unka face or unki figure kisi model se kam nhe hai! Wo ek dum gori ! Unke boobs are like hell! Jab mom tight jeans or rop pehanti hai toh man karta hai bas apni maa ko khaa jaun! Magar wo ghar me saree ya suit he pehnti hai! Or saree me unka navel jab dikhta hai wohhhh kya navel he man karta hai isko pura din chatte rahoo! Ab mai kahani pe aata hun!

    Baat hai 3 months pehle ki dad ki meeting ke liye dad ko australia jana padha for 2 weeks ke liye or meri mom jo ki har sunday dad ka loda leti the! Ab wo unke naseeb me 2 hafte nahe tha toh mere man me khayal ane lage ki kyuu na is sunday mai apni mom ko chodun! Or is sunday mera birthday bhe tha!

    Toh thursday shym dad ko airport chodhne ke bad mom or mai wapis ghar aye! Humne rat ko dinner kiya! Or fir dinner karne ka bad maine apni mom se kaha mom mai bhe aj se aapke room me sone ajaun! Toh mom ne mjhe han bol diya! Rat ko 1bje jb meri mom ko neend padh gayi but mai toh apni mom ka pyaasa tha mom ne rat ko nighty pehani hue the or andar pink bra and panty!

    Toh rat ko maine dheere dheere apne maa ke stomach pe hath rakha! Mom neend me the toh unhe kch zyada pta nhe laga! Fir maine dheere dhere hath upar bade boobs ke pas toh wo ek dum se uth gayi toh unhone mjhe dekha par maine sone ki acting kari fir wo mjhe dekh ke so gyi! Agle din subah unhone mjhse pucha ki tu rat ko kya kar rha tha! Toh maine kaha maine kya kiya mom mai toh so rha tha!

    Fir mom ne mjhe kuch nhe kaha! Or mai nahake breakfast karke chala gya! Saturday rat ko mom ne mjhse pucha ki beta tera kal birthday he tjhe kya gift chahiye! Toh maine bola maa mjhe is bar aisa gift chahye jis se aap bhe khush ho jao or mai bhe!

    Toh mom ne kaha tjhe aisa kya chahye jis se tu bhe khush or mai bhe ! Maine kaha mom wo toh ab apko sochna hai! Par maine kaha jo mjhe chahye wo toh apko dena he padega! Agar apne mana kiya toh mai.apse kbhie zundagu me nhr bat karunga! Toh mom ne kaha thk he jo tu bolega wo he milega! :P

    Toh rat ko dinner ke bad hum so gye or agle din uth ke maa ne mjhe wish kiyaa or kaha beta rat ko tera birthday celebrate karenge! Mim ne mjhe chicks pe kiss kiyaa! Ohho unke gulabii honth man kar rha tha chum lun! Par wo tym jald he ane wala tha! Maine apni mummy  se kaha ki ap aj rat ko apni black wali saree pehana! Toh usne ne kaha ohk beta!

    Abb mai apni mummy ko chodne ki tyaari akrne laga! Pehle toh mai market se jakar condom or ek power ki goli le aya are bahiyoo apni maa ko pehli bar chodunga! Toh dhang se chodna toh banta hai na! Abb bari the pariksha ki!

    Mai rat ko apne frnds ko party dene ke bad 10bje ghar aya toh maa black saree me ek dum pataka ban kar sofe pe beth kar mera wait kar rhe the! Unki navel side se kya lag rhe the itni gori! Or unke boobs braa me kya chamak rhe the! Ais alag rha tha bahar he girne wale ho! Or unki lajawab gand omg ! Just awesome! Man! fir hum dono bethe or humne cake kata mom ne mjhe apne hatho se khilaya fir maine maa ko khilya fir mummy ne kaha beta bta tjhe ais akon sa gift chahye tha jis se mai bhe khush or tu bhe khish.

    Toh maine mom ka hath pakda or kaha mom mjhe ap chahye! Toh maa ne kaha yeh kya bol rha h! Toh maine kaha han! Mjhe ap bahut ache lagte ho or mai apke sath sab kuch karna chahta hun. Fir maa ne mjhe gusse se dekha or kaha ye bakwas mat kar tera birthday hai toh yeh nhe ki jo tu bolega wo milega utjhe!

    Maine kaha maa apne promise kiya tha! Ma ne kaha aone room me jakar chup chap so ja! Mai bhe pagal ho rha tha maine apni mom ka hath pakda or unhe kiss kiya or unke bboobs pe hath rakh ke dabane laga! Mom ne mjhe dhaka diya! Or kaha tum pagal ho gye ho kya! Apni mom ke sath yeh sb kar rhe ho! Dad ko pata lagega toh kya hoga! Yeh sb galat hai!

    Fir maine mom ke boobs ko or dabaya toh mom ne mjhe dhaka diya or mjhe chanta mar diya! Fir mere sare sapne tut gye! Mai apne room me chala gya mom ko bol ke ki aj ke vad apse kbhie nhe bat karunga ! Apne apna promise toda hai! toh fir mai apne room me beth ke dhukh bna rha tha ki ! Gyi chut hathse! Par usi tym meri mom !ayi or unhone mjhe pyaar se smhhaya beta tu kch or gift mang mai tjhe leke dungi but yeh sb mom ke sath karna galat hai u r my son! Maine kaha nhe mjhe toh bas apka yeh badan chahye!

    Mom ne kaha yeh nhe ho skta! Fir maine kaha ap bhe toh har sundya papa ke sath sex karte the na! Maine apko dekha he ap ka bhe zaroor man kar rha hoga! Toh mom ne kaha chup hoja aise bate nhe karte! Maine fir mom ko kaha ap yahan se chale jao toh unhone kaha acha tu mjhe bas ek kiss karle! Maine kaha mai smooch amrna chahta hun toh unhone kaha bas smooch se zyada kch nhe or yeh baat dad ko nhe pta lagni chahye! Maine unhe neck se pakda or smooch marna shuru ki waahhh kya taste a rha tha un gulabhi hontho ka ais alag rha tha amrit chakh liya ho! Fir dhere se maine unke navel pe hath ferna shuru kiya toh wo thdi tdi awaazw nikalana shuru kari fir maine unke boobs par hath lagay a fir unhone kaha nhe bas tumne smooch karne ko kaha tha bas karliya ab so jao,! Par ab mai jag chuka tha!

    Maine apni mom ko pakda or kaha nhe maa ab toh yahan suhagrat banegi bete or maa ki maaa boli tu fir aise bate kar rha h! Maine mom ke navel ko chatna shuru kiya unka pura pet cjat gya woo mana kar rha the par mjhe unki awaaz se laga ki unhe abb maza ana chalu ho rha h! Maine unki black sare utar di! Or wahh us red bra or red panty me meri maaa kya lag rha tha ek dum model! Fir maine unke boobs dabaye bra me r or unki smooch mar rha tha ab mom ne bhr sath dena shuru kar diya tha unki gand par hath mara maine itni soft gand! Maza he agya tga! Fir mainr unki bra utari or unke boobs ko drkh ke pagal he hogya itnr gore or bade boobs nipple.ek dum gulabi!

    Fir maine unhe 25-30min dhang se chusa or meri maa ki awaaze ab or tez hogyi the ! Toh fir bari asal cheez ki maa ki chut maine unki pyaari si net wali panty kholi or seedha chut par hamla kar diya meri maa ki chut pink or clean shaved ! Usko dekh kar chakar he. Arhe the maine use lick kar meri maa ahahahah ahahah beta tu apni maaa ko chdh ke he rahega na! Or chila rhe ahahahahahhahah fuck me son! Hard ohh! Ahahahah !

    Fir wo uthi unhe mjhe kiss kar or mera lund hath me liya or kaha waha dad se bada karliya he tune apna! Fir unhone mera lund chusa kya mzaa a rha tha! Meri maa mera loda chuz rhe the ! Wo puri nangi the itom bomb lag rha the maine wo power ki goli toh kha he raki the toh mom ne mere lund pe condom chaday or kaha aja beta is chut ki pyaaz bhujade ab!Mai maa ke upar cahdh gya or mom ne apne hathse mera lund chut me dala or mai fir upar neche hone laga maa ki awaaze ane lagi ahhaaaaaahh ohhhhhh ahhhhha fuckme harder fir mai tez hua! Bahut tez ! Mom ahahahahahah ahhahaha tu toh bahut bada ho gya hai! Apni am ko he chodh rha he aj! Maine kaha ap abhe lund enjoy akro mommy!

    Fir kch der bad maine lund nikala or apni mummy ko lhada kar ke unki gand me lund dala unki gand ko touch akrke itna maza a rha tha or jaise he lund ghusa wo toh pagal he hogyi kyuki ajj se pehle dad ne bhe mom ki gand nhe mari the unka first tym tha toh woo cheekg rhee the ahaaahaaa haa ohhhhh or dal bets or dala bahut maza a rha he aj apni maa ke maze le le! Maine bahut choda maa ko fir akhri me unke chuche fir se chuse or unhone mera lund apne boobss ke beech me rakha or muth mari or akhir kar unke boobs par mera chadh gya or meri tamana puri hie!

    Fir hum so gye! Agle din mai utha mummy naha ke jean or top me bahut fadh lag rhe the unhone mjhe kaha ttune le lita na spna gift apni mom ko chod ke maine kaha thank u mom! Maa ne kaha thank u abb har 2 din bad mjhe tmhara he lund chahye!

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  • cheating wife with friend sex story

    Let me describe first of all myself first, my name is Sabitri. I am a married woman of 36 years but have a nice body shape. No one can say at first glance that I am 36 years because I have got very nice and attractive features and a figure from heaven. I am tall. My height is more than 5' 6'' with a slim body as I take very good care of my body. I have a great, praiseworthy, and an attractive figure. My waist is still 34'' while my breasts and hips are 36'' though I am a mother of three children and my first child is nearly 14 years old. And all of them have my complexion which is white reddish. My lips are thin with small-mouthed and my eyes are wide big black colored and have long black hairs.
    I am living with my family and my husband very happily. I think my husband loves me that very rare husband love their wives. My marital life was nice.

    Since we are not newly married, we don’t have a continuous sexual relationship but we follow a routine twice or thrice a month. May be this is enough for other woman but I don't think why I think that this is not enough for me, but I have never thought about it seriously. I loved my husband and this is fact that I had only given myself to my husband but as I got older I sometimes wondered what another man would be like. I had no thoughts of finding out but it was interesting to think about it.

    My husband has a friend named Rajiv from his childhood who living near our house. We have very good relation between the two families of us. We use to go each other houses without any hesitation on every occasion. Rajiv's wife Dipika didi and I have very good friendship as our hubbies had. Rajiv is very nice and well-mannered man. He keeps track of all our small needs. He has a very charming personality. I must admit that he was very attractive. But I never think about him in this point of view, I mean sex with him not that he has shown me that he sees me in that point. We ever meet like a sister and brother. Although we have met so many time in solitude. My husband had never objected whenever I met him nor he objected met his wife with my husband. We were like one family and we don't care that we have no blood relation

    Once it was noon and my husband was out of station while children were sleeping and I have nothing to do so I went to Rajiv home to meet his wife as usual we meet once or twice in a week. When I entered the home Rajiv's wife Dipika di was not at neither home nor the kids were there. I called so many times to Dipika di but there was not any response. I kept wondering what the problem was and why nobody’s responding me. I stood there for a while and after few seconds Rajiv shouted from the bathroom that he is coming out. “Bhabi please wait a minute for me. And after few minutes he came out from the bathroom. His hair was wet as he recently took the bath. He became very pleased to see me and asked me to sit. I asked from Rajiv that where is Dipika di, I mean bhabi and kids. He told me that they have left just an hour for her native city as her mother is ill and that she called her in hurry so she couldn't meet you. He asked me for some drink and tea. I laughed and said that now you will make tea for me? Then he told me ok if you don't want to make it by me then you should made it, as I need it. So I went to the kitchen and that was not unknown place for me. I don't know but I was too nervous today to feeling alone with him, as it was not the first time alone with him for me. When I was fumbled around in the kitchen I was thinking about an excuse to leave, but couldn't. So I prepared the tea both for us. He was in lounge when I brought the tea and I sat with him in one sofa and put the try on the table near the sofa. We started talking and I inquired that why he is at home at this time, he said that he was not feeling well. I asked him about his sickness but he didn't tell anything. I offered her to take her to doctor but he refused and said that he has already taking medicine. We were talking on every topic. He was looking me today very strange and I was thinking that what is the new and soon I realized that there is something new. I felt some new thing and it could lust in his eyes.

    He started talking about my cloth and said that I wore very nice cloths today and that it looking so nice and gives extra charming to my personality which has already extra grace full. I was wearing the red color salwar kameez as I usually wear. I felt shy for a while and then said thanks to him. Then he said how my husband is lucky that he has found so nice, beautiful, gorgeous and so sexy wife. I found myself once again in an embarrassing position and told him "Rajiv ji what are you talking today, you have never talked like this before." Then he said you mean that I should have talked it before. No I don't mean like this but I consider you as my brother, and Mr. Rajiv you have so nice and beautiful wife. "But not like you"-he replied. Then he turned his conversation towards his martial life and told me that his martial life is not so satisfied and that his wife doesn't care about his desires. I was surprised that how Rajiv is talking today? He proceed his conversation and told me that he wants to talked with me on this topic from long but he had not get chance for it.
    I was now fully confused and want to leave. So said him that I should go now as the children were expected to awake but he request me not to leave him alone and I stayed there I don't know why? He started state away about his sexual life and I started to feel nervous as Rajiv was talking about sex and I was feeling lightheaded. I felt for the first time that something might happen that noon. Suddenly he moved near to me as we seated on one sofa, and I became astonished when he grabbed me from my waist and put his mouth on mine. My whole body tensed as Rajiv warm lips touched mine. I followed my marital life and was going to get out of there. As I started to turn around, Rajiv grabbed me in a powerful embrace. I was trying to escape from his grip but truly not from my heart. His body was tight against mine and I couldn't help but be turned on by how well my breasts fit under his massive chest. He was kissing my lips passionately and his hands were on my breast rubbing them gently. I was really in double minded at that time, that what should I do? I was feeling this rush of sexual tension like I never felt in my life but at the same time I knew it was wrong. At first I resisted but it was surprisingly feeling good. I tried to pull back but the empowering embrace made it impossible and Rajiv's warm love was not more ignore able for me, As Rajiv lips were pressed tight against mine, I started to feel a hot sensation deep within.....

    Our lips melted together as if they were becoming one. I responded him unintentionally. Then he parted his lips and wanted to slide his tongue against my mouth. First I resisted but then I parted my lips and allowed his tongue deep inside me. His warm tongue slowly entered my mouth. We were motionless. He warmly licked my mouth as I was fighting for some sort of control. I didn't kissing back but I was not stopping him either. He was passionately sucking and licking inside my mouth as I was losing control. I always liked Rajiv, and maybe there was this passion. I was feeling nice so I raised my tongue. When our tongues met it sent a shock wave shivering through my body. I was beginning to lose control of my inner sexual power. I passionately licked his tongue back as we started to deeply kiss each other and I forgot all about my husband or anything else as I was so turned on by this incredible sensation. . Nothing else was on my mind but this powerful kiss. As he pulled his tongue from my lips and started to lick my neck forehead nose and neck. I was too excited at this time but I muttered to him that we are married and shouldn't do this. But he was not hearing me. I wanted to stop him but couldn't, and he re-entered his tongue into my mouth as we started to kiss wildly again. After some time he again made his way down my neck. I again told Rajiv to stop. Rajiv magically licked my neck and ears, and the warmth of his mouth on my erogenous zone did not allow me to notice his hands on my breast this time. His hands were now on my impressively inviting breast and he was rubbing and massaging them. Now this was out of my control.

    I again tried to pull myself from this carnal spell but by this time he had moved his hand in my neck as it was too low cut, I asked him once again that Mr. Rajiv this is sufficient, and we should stop it. He was very expert and well known about the woman psychology. Within flash he released me from my kameez and left only in my bra. He unhooked it releasing my tight tits. My ripe breasts were beautiful and inviting. He knelt down and took one of my erected nipples into his mouth. His warm tongue licked across my swollen nipples, and was sucking my tits like they were his lifeline, which was sending me into a sexual confusion my body was so filled with passion that I became weak. Rajiv lifted me off the ground and held me as he continued to suck my tits. Rajiv licked my tits up and down. He laid me on couch. I felt like this was a chance to stop this erotic heat. I laid there half naked wanting him on me. I thought about how I secretly wanted another man at least once in my life. I wanted him now really, as I probably couldn't have found my husband as hot as Rajiv. He was now trying to take my salwar off. I whispered once again not to do like this. But I was wondering how it would feel to have another man taste my love and that thought sent my mind in a naughty fit of desire. He took off my salwar which slid from my legs. As Rajiv took off my salwar, the exotic feeling of being totally nude in front of another man sent a shiver up my spine as instinctively my legs spread open. He leaned and put his mouth on my pussy lips and kissed, licked it.

     could not believe I was letting Rajiv to suck my pussy. I was powerless to stop his oral attack, I again whispered out in a frantic but orgasmic way that I couldn't do this I am married. He told me married can do this very easily, don't worry you will feel well. But I will never forgive myself for this entire my life. I replied. How can you say your husband so loyal to you? Doesn't he go to other women?. He said to me. But I don't care what he does but I couldn't. Without reply me he took my swollen cunt lips against his mouth and let his tongue in to probe. Rajiv sucked and licked inside of me. Rajiv licked me deeply as my pussy was on fire. It was too incredible, and pleasurable, which I had never felt like this before in all my sexual life. Now it was not in my control and my tight little cunt and whole body was burning and I grabbed Rajiv head and was burying his face into my wet cave and I started moaning and bucking wildly. Rajiv was licking my clit as I moaned like an animal. Sweat was pouring from my body as I was yearning to be entered. Would I let another man's rock hard cock enter my cunt where I have never imagined letting any other man cock? But Rajiv was sending my body into a sexual frenzy as his face was buried into my drenched pussy. Rajiv was relentless and experienced, as he knew exactly what a woman wanted. He was really aroused me and I felt his cock in my cunt madly. I felt nervous excitement as I knew exactly where this was leading and I realized I was losing the battle.......

    After a long time, Rajiv whispered that he desired that I should take his cock my innocent married mouth. First I refused that I have never done it, and that I don't know how one can take this in one mouth. But he insisted very. As the passion filled my body to the point of thrusting, explosion I argued within myself. If I were to suck Rajiv's cock I might be able to quench my thirst and satisfy this stud without allowing him to put his cock into my cunt as I wanted still to stay true to my husband. I wanted him to be the only man who I tasted. Rajiv was fully erected and he had the biggest dick I could ever imagine. It was a good eight inches long and thick twice then my husband. After some argument, I leaned in and put my mouth on his cock. I kissed and licked his cock for a while and then I opened my mouth as far as I could and took in his head. The swollen head of this prick needed more space. I opened my mouth as far as I could and took in his head. Rajiv moaned in delight as I was fulfilling his desire. I bobbed my head back and forth trying to mouth fuck this man. I hadn't had much experience in this area. As I continued to slide his huge cock in and out of my mouth Rajiv continued to tell me to suck his dick. I was sucking his dick which was now so excited and pleasurable experience for me and my hand went to my cunt which stuck up my cunt. It was gushing with juice and was begging for more. I knew now the obvious, I was going to get fucked by Rajiv it was really totally a new experience for me, as I have never sucked my husband’s cock as he never asked for it.

    My husband had not given me what Rajiv is giving me now, and if my husband were here I would tell him this is real sex. I needed to be fucked now and Rajiv sensed my urgency and pulled his monstrous crank from my mouth. He had really the big one, twice than in thickens and long from my unaware husband. Who never think that his loyal wife will suck his best friend cock, and she was going to take his fiend dick in her lovely pot. The thought of this huge cock inside of me sent my body into a shiver. But I my inner core was begging for his dick to ram me. By this time I couldn't control the passion.

    And I fell back and eagerly spread my legs. He was rubbing his over powering cock against my pussy lips. I knew what he was doing. He was not giving it to me unless I begged. He was rubbing it to my clitoris and I had a fire inside my cunt that only a long, hard cock could extinguish. He knew that well. So I started to beg and cry for his cock. I took his cock and put it on my pussy hole saying stop it and insert this in me. I was so swollen and wet. So Rajiv had very easily his cock head inserted in my cunt as it was too wet but due to his bigger cock I felt little pain. Aaaaa aahhhh! ..big and loud noises poured out of my lips but as no one was at home, it was safe. Rajiv then grabbed my legs and held them up as he slid his dick further in my cunt. He had to pull back and push forward a couple of times to stretch my tight cunt. He had really big cock, which made my pussy hole resized more my husband's custom fit hole. I was screaming with ecstasy as Rajiv vibrating eight inches cock easily deeper into my love hole. My legs were straight up in the air and my fingernails dug into Rajiv's hips. As he pumping all of his 8 inches rock hard into my cunt hole. He was slowly pulling his dick back and forth. He was fucking me in very sophisticated manner, which I appreciated very much, and I wanted him to fuck me in this way forever

    Rajiv was giving me what I was mercifully begging for. He was fucking me strongly, and I was feeling his hard rock cock in my depth of my cunt flesh. I also start having pleasure and started jumping under him to accompany his moves. His testis starts making noises with every hit to my buttocks. I was not in this world but I felt I was going in and out of conscience as he fucked me. I was numb to the world as I was being fucked like a wild animal. Rajiv opened my cunt with his rock solid wide eight-inch cock. He pumped me fast and hard. Rajiv fucked for a long time and was now looking tired, so he could not control my legs anymore. As we were doing all this in the couch so my feet were planted on the ground and I was bucking like a bronco. Rajiv was ripping me in half with his huge package and couldn't get enough. I was now in full control of him so he asked me to ride on him now. And this was the last desire of mine that I want ride on him. He pulled out his cock from my pussy and lay on his back, and I climbed on top of him. By now my shyness and loyalty to my husband was gone. I caught his 8'' cock in my hand and guided it on my pussy hole. My proud pussy took in his eight-inch pole in one stroke. His long cock went in my pussy like a fish in water cave as I needed it so bad. I bounced and bucked so hard, I thought this thick prick was going to tear me in half. I was jumping on him; I took him in even farther than when he was on top on me. I couldn't keep up anymore, the massive size of his cock was getting the best of me and I was slowing down. Rajiv put his hands on my butt and started to pull me down deep onto his dick. That was very nice and I was crying for deep and hard fuck from Rajiv. My breasts were jumping up and down which he caught by his hand and squeezed them.

    That was my thrust for fuck as I have been not fuck like this from long, and I was wonder how a conservative woman like me begged to be fucked like this. I needed to get fucked and begged Rajiv to finish me off. Then he asked me to turn I wonder that what he want but without any question I turned and he came just behind me and put his dick in my wet pussy he inserted his cock in my pussy from my ass side. Now he was fucking me from behind with his full power and I was bearing his all-powerful stroke very happily as he was really giving me the nicest pleasure of my life. And I gave him all I had. Now we both were too exhausted and I asked him to finish it. And he increased his rhythm of stroking. After few minutes he and I both came together. He filled my pussy with his heavy load, while this was my third cum. I came so hard I felt like someone let the air out of me, we lay there for a while and were kissing each other. This time I was kissing him with lot of love, because he gave me lot of pleasure, the pleasure that my husband had nerved give me in my whole martial life. We talked and I said him compiled an innocent married women, beg you to fuck. He laughed and said your fucking was my dream from the beginning. But you have never showed it to me. I replied. He said I know that you were not that type of woman who can do this so easily. After some I asked him to leave now and He helped me dress for, as I was hardly able to move due to hard fuck.

    When I was leaving him he hugged me tight and kissed me, he asked me that when we meet next. I said to him that I can’t promise anything right now but if I get any chance I will definitely inform you. He started insisting me for more after that encounter of ours. It was hard for me to say no again and again to him all the time. So whenever I get any chance I call him and allow him to make love to me. I never take risks. I call him only when I fill its really safe. I never ignored my husbands or my children’s needs till now. I know I will never do that in future too. Yes I cheat my husband sometimes but this occasional cheating and hot sex with Rajiv helps me to stay happy and fulfilled. You won’t believe that after I started fooling my husband, I have started to love him more intensely. Now I can’t tolerate a simplest problem of my innocent husband and became very attentive to him. I try to fulfill my innocent husbands every needs. I must admit that he also started responding very well to my changed behavior. Now I can openly say that he is madly in love with me also.



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  • English Ki teacher sex story in hinglish

    Ye takreeban june ke shuroo ki baat hai. Tab mere exams khatam ho chuke the. Meri English madam bohat hi sexy hai us ke perfect breasts hain. Aur wo kapde bhi ese pehnti keh us ke jism ka kuch hissa nazar aata. Jese hi class main aati us ke nipples khade hote the. Tight kameez pehnti aur bra bhi nipples ke khade hone ki waja se tight rehte. Nipples apna nishan us par bana lete.

    Phir padhai to phad hi main jani thi. Kher main roz us ke saath apne app ko imagine karta. Un ka naam madam shagufta hai. age 28 hai. Looks bohat he sexy hain. Height 5′3 hai aur bohat tight body hai. Us ki shadi ho chuki hai magar wo apne husband se khush nahin thi. Kher main English paper lekar un ke ghar paper discuss karne gaya. Kitnio khoobsoorat lag rahi the Shalwar kameez main. Us ki kameez thodi choti thi. Un ke ghar main itna shor nahin tha lagta tha jese koi bhi na ho. Us ke baad unhon ne mujh se kaha ke main book lati hoon phir discuss karte hain. Unhon ne mujhe apne kamre se aawaz de aur kaha keh yahan aa jao. Main chala gaya. Book kisi unchi jagan padi thi kamre main.

    Uf kya scene tha madam book ko lene ke liye upper hotin aur un ki shirt bhi unchi ho jati. Un ki back nazar aati. Mera to ussi waqt khada ho gaya. Main un ke pass gaya aur main ne mazakyatan kaha madam main app ko uthata hoon app book utarlein. I was not expecting that answer from her. Unhon kaha mujhe tum utha sakte ho. Main ne jaldi main jawab diya yes madam. Unhon ne kaha theek hai to ajj tumhara zor dekhoon. Unhon ne kaha keh tum mujhe peeche se utha kar uncha karo aur book utarti hoon is se tumhare zor ka pata chal jae ga. Main to chahta he ye tha main maan gaya. Ufff ne to paseene chut rahe the. Main ne us ko BUTT’s ke neeche uthaya. Us ka weight tha magar main ne use utha hi liya. Us ke BUTT’s mere stomach se lag rahe the wo abhi book upper dhood rahi thi aur mujh se poocha thake to nahin main ne kaha nahin. Main ne use thoda sa neeche kiya aur us ke BUTT’s ab mere khade hue lund ke saath lagne lage. Us ne kuch bhi na kaha. Ese lag raha tha keh barson ki khawahish puri hona ja rahi hai.

    Main ne poocha madam book mili ke nahin us ne kahan sabar karo. Main ahista ahista apna haath un shirt ke neeche lija shuroo kiya. Un ko laga keh main thak gaya hoon aur wo phisal rahi hain. Kher mere haath us ki body ko lagne lage mera lung to bas underwear phadne laga tha. Us ne foran mujhe kaha ke tum mujhe utar do main ne jaldi use utara. Ufff u us ke hard nipples mere andar current dhod a rahe the. Us ne kaha book nahin mil rahi main tumhare liye kuch peene ko lati hoon phir ese he paper discuss kar lein ge. Main ne kaha ok. Wo kitchen chali gae. Main ab kamre main akela tha. Main ne apne lund ko jaldi haath lagaya aur dabaya takeh jaldi hi organism nikle aur mujh se madam ke saath koi ghalti na ho jae. Us ka husband army main hai wo shahid wahan gaya ho. Kher main abhi apna lund daba hi raha tha keh madam sharbat le kar aaein. Wo kab kitchen se nikli kuch pata nahin chala. Unhon ne mujhe lund dabate dekh liya main jaldi apne lund par se haath utha liya. Kisi had tak main chahta tha keh madam mujhe dekhe.

    Well she was seduced. Madam ne mujhe smile de aur poocha ye kya kar rahe the. Main ne kaha kuch nahin. Kher I was also feeling embarrassment. Main ne sharbat liya aur wo darwaze ki taraf badhi aur darwaza lock kar diya. Main heran ho kar usse dekha us ne kuch na kaha aur mere pass aa kar bhet gae. Bas wo itna pass bheti keh main door na ho sakta tha. Main ne us ki ankhon main dekha ese lad raha tha ke ab tak sex ki talash main hai. Main ne un ko touch karna chaha lekin dar raha tha. Us ke baad us ne mujh se paper liya aur phek diya aur poocha keh tum ne pehle kabhi kiya hai? to main ne poocha kya? Us ne kaha anjan mat bano. Main dil hi dil main khush hua aur unhein jawab diya jee haan aik martaba. Unhon ne poocha x, xx ya xxx. Main jan buch kar un se poocha in ka matlab kya hai. Unhon ne kaha si rf kissing, touching ya fucking.

    Main ne to fucking ka naam suna main ne foran jawab diya yes madam. Mujh se bil kul bhi control na hua aur main ne usse jaldi se dono haathon se pakda aur sofe par lita diya aur usse passionately mun par kissing karne laga. Us ne kuch bhi na kaha aur main garam ho gaya. Usse fremch kisses keen. Mera lund to bas full hard tha. Main ne shirt pant peheni hui thi. Usse mun par bohat kiss kiya us ke mamme to shirt par bhi thode thode nazar aa rahe the. Wo bhi garam ho gae aur meri kissing usse aur garam karti gae us ne sofa sakht pakad liya aur mujhe karne diya jo main karna chahta tha. Main ne us ki shirt utari aur apni bhi. Wo itni garam ho chuki thi keh lal ho rahi thi. Maine us ki shalwar uteri aur us ke bade bade BUTT’s ko press karne laga. Main ne apni pant utari aur underwear bhi aur usse kaha madam plz ulti ho jaein. Us ne mujh se kaha fuck karo ge.

    Main ne kaha ab control nahin hota. Us ke mamme sofe touch hue to press ho gae main aur passionately usse kissing karne laga. Us ki kamar par haath phera usse maza aaya. Main us ki back par let gaya. Aur mera lund us ki vagina se touch hua. Mera lund bhi garam tha aur us ki chut bhi garam thi. Bas main ne us ka bra peeche se khola aur utar kar phenka us ke mamme jese azad ho gae hon. Aur zayada khade ho gae. Main ne us ke mammon ko bohat zayada dabaya. Phir use seedha kiya aur us ke mamme chuse. Uffff they were so much tasty. Us ke nipples ko suck karne ke baad us ki tangein stretch keen aur upar kar deen aur apna lund us main dala. Kya tight vagina tha. Phir bhi main ne us main asani se andar kiya thoda gaya aur usse maza aaya. Wo ah..oh..plz aur jesi awazein nikal rahi thi. Main ne aur zor lagaya aur pura lund us main dal diya wo bohat cheekhee lekin us mujhe roka nahin main ab andar bahar andar bahar karna shuroo kiya. Takreen 30-45 mint usse fuck kiya. Mere organism nikal aya aur us ka bhi. Us ke organism bhi nikla.

    Uffff kya din tha. Main ne socha bhi na tha. Us ne mujhe kaha ab tum mere mun main dalo apna lund main ne thodi der aur fucking ki us ke baad us ke mun main dal diya us main bhi andar bahar kiya. Mujhe bohat maza aaya. 15 mint baad us ne mujh se kaha ab bas karo husband ate hi hon ge ab tum jao. Kher main ne usse pure jism par kissing ki aur phir kapde pehne. Aur use French kiss de kar kaha madam app chahti hain keh main phir aaoon. Us ne kahan mujhe no. de do jab bhi ghar pe koi na hua to main tumhein bulaoon gee. Main ne kaha theek hai. Magar us ne ye bhi kaha keh tum mujhe phone nahin karo ge. Main ne kaha theek hai. Main ne apna mobile no. diya aur ab tak main usse 3 dafa chod chukka hoon.
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  • Sex story with my elder sister story in hinglish

    This is my true story. Main regular pathak hoo aur mujhe issme sabhi kahaniya acchi lagti hai lekin sabse jyada acchi story mujhe behan aur bhai wali lagti hai kyoki I love my sister aur main bhi apni behnoo ko chod chuka hoo’iss liye aaj maine bhi socha ki kyo naa main bhi apni dil ki bat aap sab reader dostoo ke sath batoon. Kyoki ye aap bhi jante hai ki ye sab bataine hamare Indian samajh main galat mana jata hai aur main apne aap ko galat manta hoo lekin main bhi kya karu aab mujhe apni behano se hi pyar ho gaya to main kya kar sakta hoo.wo kahawat to aapne suni hogi ki “dil lagi dewaar se to pari kya chiz hai”yahi doston mere sath hua hai .shayad aap mari felling ko samajh paye. Ok maine aap logo ko kafi bor kar diya hounaga ab main apni story sunata hoo.My name is Rohit. Main abhi delhi main rah raha hoo. Mere ghar main mere dady and mother or 2 choti behan hai .

    mari umar abhi 23 sal hai aur mere se choti bahen ki umar 19 sal aur choti wali bahan ki umar karib 16 sal hai.Ye kahani karib 3 sal pahle start hui thi. Dostoan hum log sabhi ghar main sath rahte hain mare dady government employee hai aur mother teacher hai is liye wo dono roz duty chale jate hai mari badi sister ka nam namita hai aur wo abhi b.a part second main hai aur choti bahan 12th ka exam dene wali hai uska nam somya hai.Main abhi m.b.a ki taiyari karta hoo is liye ghar par hi rah kar taiyari kar raha hoo.Dosto main aaj aapko ye bataine wala hoo ki maine apni behano ko kaise chhoda.

    Ab main apni story sunata hoo pasand aaye to mujhe jarur reply dijyega hum log sath main hi ek hi ghar main rahte hai, I mean mera aur sisters ka room ek hi hain aur mom aur dad ka ek room hai. Jis karan se main bachpan se hi apni behano ko dekhte aa raha hoo. Bhachpan main jab main chota tha to kuch galat ladko ki sangati ke karan main sex ke bare main jaldi hi jan gaya tha,uss samay meri umar shayad 16 sal hogi aur mari choti sis ki karib 12 aur sabse choti wali ki sister ki umar karib 13 sal ki hogi.Sex ke jankari hone ke karan aur galat books aur galat dostoan ke karan main muth marna (hansthmaithun) suru kar diya .Essi beach meri choti sister namita par bhi jawani aa rahi thi aur main uske taraf attrect hone laga. Main josh main kabhi usse gale se laga kar uske gol gol santre jaise chuchi ka maza leta to kabhi usski kamar pakad kar uske gand ka mazza leta tha wo choti hone ke karan is harkat ko bhai ka pyar samajhti thi lekin main to kuch aur hi mazza leta tha .

    Issi beach main kabhi kabhi jab wo so jati to main dhire se uske frack(skirt) ko utha kar aur uski white jangho aur uski chuchi ko chumta aur uske hontho ko chumta aur uska hanth ko apne land ko pakad kar muth marta tha wo need main hone ke karan jag nahi pati thi aur main dhire dhire maze leta rahta tha,mujhe aaj bhi yaad hai jab maine pahli par uski mast bur ko dekha tha. Wo uss din gahari need main thi aur main dhire dhire uske bagal main jakar so gaya (hum logo ka kamara comman tha I mean mera aur sister ka)aur dhire se uski frack ko utha diya maine dekha uski mast jangh ek dam mulayam thi aur maine dhire dhire frack ko aur upar kiya aur dekha ki namita ne black colour ki panty pahni hui hai.

    Main to uski bur (****) dekhna chahta tha is liye dhire dhire uski panty neeche kiya maine dekha uske bur par ek dam halke halke bhure bhure bal hai main to usse dekhte hi madhosh ho gaya aur uski bur ko chumne laga phir maine dhire dhire uski bur main ek ungli dali aur andar bahar karne laga uski bur bahut tite thi (us samay umar karib 16 sal hogi) main ek hanth se bur main ungli se chod raha tha aur ek hanth se muth mar raha tha Issi tarah doston main maje leta rehta tha aur jab mera man karta to jab wo so jati to uski jawani ka mazza leta rahta tha lekin main usse chod nahi pa raha tha kyoki sochta tha ki kahi ye jag gai to phir ghar main mom aur dad se kah degi iss liye hanth se hi kam chala raha tha phir main hostel main padhne chala gaya aur mujhe apni bahan se pyar sa ho gaya tha mujhe sab ladkiyaon se jyada sexy meri sister hi lagti thi kyoki maine usse nange dekha tha shayad iss liye.

    Phir maine jab bhi holidays main ghar par aata to namita ke so jane ke bad main maze leta rahta meri sister dhire dhire jawan ho rahi thi aur main uski mast jawani ka diwana hote jaa raha tha .Main hamesha jab bhi hostel se ghar aata to main usse chodne ke liye sochta rahta tha aur hostel main uski mast jawani ko soch kar muth marta rahta tha.Pata nahi kyo main namita ke taraf attracte ho raha tha jabki somya bhi jawan ho rahi thi lekin mujhe usme koi interest nahi aa raha tha. Meri behan mera shayad pahla pyar ban gai thi.
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  • Mausi Ki Chut Ki Chudai Incest porn stories

    Hi dosto mera naam Rahul hai aur main dikhne mein tall dark and handsome hu meri height 6 feet hai. Lund ki size 7 inch Aur chest 48 inch hai. Main varanasi ka rehne wala hu aur mujhe aunty log bhut pasand aati hai . mausi ki chut Waqt na barbad krte hue story pe aata hu ye baat uss samay ki hai jb main 22 saal ka tha meri mausi mujhe hero kehti thi meri pic dekh kar wo kehti rehti ki ye mera bhanja hai . Baat uss samay ki hai jb meri mausi jinka naam twinkle hai jinki age 32 year hai aur size 40 30 36 hai mere ghar aayi meri didi k shaadi mein meri mom ki help krne kiu ki mere papa delhi gye hue the kaam se to ghr pe sirf main didi mummy aur dada dadi hi the . Meri mom Ko chot lagne k karan bone fracture hua tha to mausi madad krti thi didi apne room mein soti mom apne aur mausi guest room mein. Ek din mausi naha k mere room mein. Change kr rhi thi to maine unko dekh liya toh wo ghabra k gate bnd kr li . Maine uss din 2 baar muth mari unke naam ki kiuki unke boobs itne bade aur rasile the ki koi bhi diwana ho jaaye. Mausi ne bhi mere pe dhyan diya wo shrmane lagi aur agle din unko mandir darsan k liye jaana to wo boli ki mujhe mandir le chalo to maine bhi jhat se haa keh di aur le gya raste mein break lga lga k khub maje le rha tha wo bhi samjh rhi thi . Raat ko jb saare log so gye to main chupke se unke room mein gya aur unke bra aur panty pe muth maar diya aur wha se bhaag gya agli subah jb wo uthi to unko kuch sayad ajeeb lga to un hone mujhe dekha . mausi ki chut Ussi dophar jb main naha k apne room mein gya to main kapde pehne se pehle mote lund ko sehlaane lga. mausi ki chut Gate khula hone k wajah se mausi andar aa gyi aur mere lund ko dekhne lgi bhut der tak bhi wo cali gyi phir raat ko maine socha kiu na mausi ko choda jaaye to maine himmat kr k mausi k room mein entry li aur gate bnd kr diya phir main dheere se unki nighty ko uthne lga uthate hi unke goore jaangho ko dekh kr diwana ho gya aur unko chatne lga.. Ki tabhi mausi jg gyi aur unhone mera virodh kiya kha ki ye galat hai to maine bhi kaha galat jb h jb aap ye kisi se bole chaliye bina time waste kiye start krte h to wo gusse se mujhe maara aur main bhi unko lita k love bite diya chuchi ko upar se hi masalne lga dhere dhere wo mera saath dene lgi phir unhone mera lund nikal k bola itna bada pehli baar dekha h daalo jaldi se chude bhut din hi gya hai to maine bhi unki baat mante hue unko chodne laga 25 min tak chudwane k baad boli beta ab maal muh mein do apna maine bhi unko muh mein de diya. mausi ki chut Agle din se hum 2 month tak sex krte rahe aur jaane se 20 din pehle maine unko pregnant kr diya aur bola ye bacha mera rahega naam bhale aapke pati ka ho wo boli ha jarur mausi chod.. bhabi sex Unki aawaj aaj bhi yaad hai chodo na baby chodo na undar tak le jao aur jor se aah aah… Aur jor se.. Aaj mera ek ladka h jiski maa meri mausi h. sexy stories


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  • Didi Ki Sexy Moti Chut

    Hi friends, this is a story about me and my sister . this sex stori didi ki chudai is no fiction , it is absolutely real and even b4 writing it i m feeling horny. so get ready for the fun i am Karan and i stay in Delhi, this is a story which is b/w me and my elder sister .my elder sister is 8 years elder to me . she is a very cute and a very sexy girl , in other u can say that she is a girl of every guy fs dream. She generally is very close to me and shares everything with me.this happened when i was 19 yrs old and she was 27 yrs old . she was not married till then she is generally very open and very fresh kinda girl and used to wear a t shirt and jeans when at home or even outside one day everyone was at home and i and Preet(my sister) were watching TV in other room . she was lying on bed and i was sitting beside her , Suddenly she stretched herself and her t shirt went up to her navel and i was looking at her in that position . i saw that Preet has shaved her stomach and she didn’t have even one hair on her stomach suddenly i got an erection.when i was looking at her she saw me looking at her navel but she didn’t try to pull her t shirt down instead she stretched herself a bit more exposing a bit more of her shaved stomach , Then i realized that she is my sister and wen out of that room then some days went by and i found a sudden change in her behavior. she used to wear short t shirts more often and try to expose in front of me friends woh mere saamne apna nanga pait dikhati thi . i got very horny but could not take a chance then one day when no one was at home . they all had gone to chandigarh to attend some relative fs marriage so only me and Preet were at home . She was taking a bath and i was sitting watching TV suddenly she called me from bathroom and told me to give her a soap as her previous one had finished . i took the soap out of the drawer and gave it to her . she said ki ander aa ke de do kyuki floor pe paani hai kahi mai gir na jau . so i went inside and gave the soap to her and i had a glimpse of her navel once again . Then she came out after taking her bath and she was just in her bra and panty and again called me inside . i asked her what is it , she said that can i pass her the clothes from the other room . i said why not . then i gave her the clothes and saw her in bra panty she was looking absolutely gorgeous and she saw me looking at her and had a smile going her face. didi ki chudai I didn’t do nothing and came out of that room again . then in the afternoon we both lied on the same bed and thought of sleeping and the same thing happened again . her t shirt went up again and i turned on the bed and my hand suddenly touched her nude stomach .i didn’t remove my hand and she had her eyes closed . i don’t know from where did i get this courage but i moved a hand little deep in her navel and started fingering her navel . then i didn’t have courage to go further Then in the evening she was behaving as if nothing happened . and she said that bhai mere badan mein bahut thakaan hai kya tum masaage kar dego meri taango ki aur back ki . maine kaha ha kyu nahi behen . she said then oil leke mere room mein aa jao . maine kaha theek hai . aur mai oil leke chala gaya. didi ki chudai Jaise hi mai uske room mein gaya toh maine dekha k usne apne kapde utaare nahi the . maine kaha behen aise maalish karaogi . she said ki aur kaise karaungi . maine kaha aise toh saare kapde gande ho jayenge . didi ki chudai she said ok and removed her shirt .bhaiyo us samay toh mera mooh ek dum sookh gaya . itni sexy lag rahi thi meri behen sirf bra mein . fir woh bed pe ulti let gayi aur mai uske paas baith gaya . then i poured some oil on her desi xnxx bangla choti kahini Back and with trembling hands i started massaging her back . she said ki bhai tumhare haath itne kaanp kyu rahe hai . maine kaha pata nahi . she said ok koi baat nahi .fir mai uski back maalish kari aur mujhe aisa lag raha tha ki mai jannat mein hu .fir massage karte hue mera haath uski bra mein fas gaya , maine kaha oho preet mera haath tumhari bra mein fus gaya hai . fir usne ek shocking answer diya , usne kaha ki theek hai bra khol do . i couldn’t believe what she said . Bu i obeyed her and opened her bra and starting massaging her full back , fir maine ek dum uske boobs ko side se touch kiya. aur woh ek dum se hil gayi maine kaha kya hua maza aa raha hai massage ke , she said ki bahut maza aa raha hai karan then dheere dheere se mai uske pajama neeche kar raha tha maano ki uski thodi si hip line dikhni shuru ho gayi thi . fir ek dum se woh uthi aur usne bola ki bus bhai ho gayi maalish . maine kaha ki tumne taango ki nahi karaani . toh usne kaha ki haa karani toh hai . toh maine kaha ki let jao fir .

    She said ki fir toh mujhe tumhare saamne pajama bhi utaarna hoga . maine kaha ha woh toh hai , utaaarna toh padega . toh usne kaha ki theek hai maalish ke liye utaar do . maine kaha theek hai , tab usne apne hips halke se upar kiye aur maine uska pajama utaar diya . bhaiyo usne panty nahi pehni thi . mai hairaan reh gaya . ab meri behen mere samne bilkul nangi leti thi . maine dheere se uski taango pe oil gera aur massage shuru ki dheere dheere mai uski calf muscles se upar chadkar uski thighs tak aa gaya .

    tab Uske muh se aahhhhhhhhhh oooooohhhh . ki aawaze aa rahi thi , fir maine ek dum se uski gaand par haath fera . aur woh aaaahhh uiiiiiiiiii ki aawazein tez tez nikaalne lagi . maine kaha preet maza aaya kya . kehti hai bhai aisa maza mujhe meri front body maalish karke bhi do . aur woh ek dum se sidhi ho gayi .frnds meri aankhein khuli rehe gayi . uske boobs kam se kam 36 size ke honge .

    Jaise hi mai usko aankhen faad faad ke dekh raha tha usne kaha bhai kya dekh rahe ho maine kaha preet teri body bahut khoobsutrat hai . toh she said ki aa woh toh hai ab maalish kar do plz . maine kaha theek hai . aur maine uske pure nange badan pe haath ferna shuru kar diya . uski chut pe thode thode baal the , chote chote se . ab mai uske saath kuch bhi kar sakta tha . toh maine kaha ki preet mai tumhare stomach ki upar ki maalish muh se. didi ki chudai

    Karunga . she said karan tum mommo keh sakte hao mujhe pata hai ki inko momme kehte hai . i got very tharki after listening these word from her mouth maine kaha ki theek hai fir mai tumhare mommo ki maalish apne muh mein daalkar karunga . toh usne kaha ki karan mai tumhare saamne puri nangi leti hu .ek behen apne bhai ke saamne puri nangi hai . ab tum jo chah kar sakte ho ,maine kaha jo chahu . usne kaha haa kuch bhi karo mera yeh nanga badan aaj tumhara hai .

    Fir maine uske boobs ko dheere se dabana shuru kiya and woh itne soft the ki maine tez tez dabaana shuru kar diya . woh aur tez siskariyaan bharne lagi . phir maine 10 minute tak uski pure nange badan pe haath fera aur taango se upar aate aate maine apni ungli uski chut mein daal di . woh chilla uthi kyuki woh bahut tight thi . kehti hai bhai tumne mujhe pura nanga dekh liya ab apna lund nahi dikhaoge . maine kaha kyu nahi aur maine apne saare kapde utaar diye .

    Phir maine usko bola ki preet mera lund choosogi , usne kaha kyu nahi bhai phir usne mera lund dheere dheere choosna shuru kiya aur pura apne muh ke ander le liya . mai bahut maze le raha tha aur saath saath uske momme daba raha tha .fir usne kaha ki bhai ab daalo ander . i cant wait nemore plz apna lund mere ander daalo . fir maine uski chut ki entrance pe lund rakha aur zor se jhatka mara aur woh jaise chillai , maano agli building tak aawazz gayi ho. my friends hot mom

    Phir maine usko choda aur puri raaat chodta raha aur saath saath uske momme dabata raha . uske momme bahut bdiya the aur nipple ligh brown colour ke hai . fir hum subah tak aise hi nanage ek doosre ke upar pade rahe aur fir uth gaye aur ek doosre ko nilha ke kapde pehen liye after that i have fucked my sister many times . if u r interested in fucking her then do lemme know dear . as she is ready to have a new lund in her chut.

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